JK ROWLING “By every usual standard I was the biggest failure I knew” ------- J.K ROWLING Rowling was interested in literature and knowing the history of literature since her childhood. Her parents were caring and supportive too, she use to read out her writings to her elder sister, she had some good teachers who supported her immensely and cheered her up! Initiating HARRY POTTER was not at all an easy task, she tried a lot but gave up due to some or other reason.It took years and years of hard work consistency and preservation for her to complete the HARRY POTTER. As soon as she got the idea for HARRY POTTER she was taken aback by a devastating and heart throbbing incident which forced her to pull out. It was her mother,SHE LIVED NO MORE... This incident broke Rowling and she could not get anything done, she went into a deep depression. After accepting her fate she took a job to dig herself out of this deep grievance and depression. She taught English in ...